Notice: Constant TEXT_SEARCH already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/main.php on line 35

Notice: Constant TEXT_SIDE_LIST already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/main.php on line 74

Notice: Constant TEXT_SIDE_PERSONAL_NOTES already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/main.php on line 95

Notice: Constant TEXT_EMAIL already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/main.php on line 205

Notice: Constant TEXT_TITLE already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/knowledgebase.php on line 4

Notice: Constant TEXT_SEARCH already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/knowledgebase.php on line 5

Notice: Undefined index: post_back in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 19
iScripts Cloud

iScripts Cloud - USER PANEL


Notice: Constant TEXT_LOGIN already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/loginbox.php on line 5

Notice: Constant MESSAGE_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/languages/en/loginbox.php on line 23

Notice: Undefined index: sess_userlangchange in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/loginbox.php on line 78

Notice: Undefined index: postback in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/loginbox.php on line 135

Notice: Undefined index: postback in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/loginbox.php on line 419
New User, Sign up here
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  User Email

Notice: Undefined index: numBegin in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 2

Notice: Undefined index: stylename in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 8

Notice: Undefined index: styleminus in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 13

Notice: Undefined index: stylename in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 14

Notice: Undefined index: styleplus in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 15

Notice: Undefined index: ddlCategory in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 18

Notice: Undefined index: ddlCategory in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 21

Notice: Undefined index: ddlDepartment in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 23

Notice: Undefined index: ddlDepartment in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 26

Notice: Use of undefined constant integer - assumed 'integer' in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/viewuserkbsearchresult.php on line 36


What is the Fedex Meter number?
FedEx Meter Number is used by FedEx to calculate your rates and track your rate requests in real time. The front-line of FedEx support may not be familiar with this system, so calling FedEx support may be frustrating.  They may state that they do not support meter numbers and PayPal may also say they do not support tokens.

FedEx actually does still support Meter Numbers and generates them automatically. To get a Meter Number for your account, sign up here:

FedEx will then send you an email acknowledging your registration. Follow the link and login to the developer site, then proceed here:
to get your test password and key.

Then go here:
to get your production key.

Notice: Constant SITE_URL already defined in /home/wwwiscri/public_html/project/support/includes/constants.php on line 11

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